- M. Endo, Structure of Mesophase Pitch-Based Carbon Fibers, Journal of
Materials Science, Vol.23, pp.598-605, (1988).
- M. Endo, J. Nakamura, H. Touhara and S. Morimoto; Li Primary Cell with
Fibrous Graphitic Oxide as Cathode Electrode, Trans. IEE of Japan, Vol.108-A,
No.3, pp.81-88, (1988). (In Japanese)
- T. Nakajima, B. Chang, T. Fujiwara, N. Watanabe and M. Endo; Electrical
Resistivity of Fluorine-Based Intercalation Compounds of Graphite Fiber in Low
Temperature Region, Carbon, Vol.26, No.2, pp.213-215, (1988).
- H. Sakata, G. Dresselhaus, M. S. Dresselhaus and M. Endo; Effect of Uniaxial
Stress on the Raman Spectra of Graphite Fibers, Journal of Applied Physics,
Vol.63, No.8, pp.2769-2772, (1988).
- M. Endo, H. Yamanashi, A. Sudou and M. S. Dresselhaus; Intercalation and
Electrical Properties of Highly Ordered Graphite Fibers, International
Colloquium on Layered Compounds Pont-A-Mousson (France), pp.169-173, (1988).
- M. Endo and T. Sugiura; Electrical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Cement, Trans. IEE of Japan, Vol.108-A, No.7, pp.301-308, (1988). (In Japanese)
- M. Endo, A. Kato, H. Ueno and M. Shiraishi; Electrical Conductivity and
Structure of Highly Conductive Carbon Black, Vol.108-A, No.7, pp.279-286,
(1988). (In Japanese)
- M. Endo, H. Yamanashi, G. L. Doll and M. S. Dresselhaus; Preparation and
Electrical Properties of Bromine Intercalated Vapor-Grown Carbon Fibers, Journal
of Applied Physics, Vol.64, No.6, pp.2995-3004, (1988).
- M. Endo; Grow Carbon Fibers in the Vapor Phase, CHEMTECH, American Chemical
Society, September, pp.568-576, (1988).