1. M. Noguchi, K. Miyashita and M. Endo; Characteristics of Heat-treated PPP (Poly Para Phenylene) at 973K as an Anode of Lithium Battery, TANSO, No.155, pp.315-319, (1992). (In Japanese)

  2. S. L. di Vittorio, A. M. Rao, A. W. P. Fung, M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, M. Endo and T. Nakajima; High Magnetic Field Effects at The Metal-Insulator Transition and The Anomalous Raman Shift in CxF Fibers, Material Science Forum, Vols.91-93 (1992) Pt.2, Intercalation Compounds, ISIC-6, pp.421-426, (1992).

  3. L. Piraux, K. Amine, V. Bayot, J. P. Issi, S. L. di Vittorio , M. S. Dresselhaus, A. Tressaud, S. G. Mayorga, M. Endo and T. Nakajima; 2D Electronic Transport in Fluorine and Transition metal Fluoride GIC's, Material Science Forum, Vols.91-93 (1992) Pt.2, Intercalation Compounds, ISIC-6, pp.481-486, (1992).

  4. A. M. Rao, A. W. P. Fung, S. L. di Vittorio, M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, M. Endo, K. Oshida and T. Nakajima; Raman-scattering and transmission-electron-microscopy studies of fluorine-intercalated graphite fibers CxF (7.8>x>2.9), Physical Review B, Vol.45, No.12, pp.6883-6892, (1992).

  5. S. L. di Vittorio, T. Enoki, M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, M. Endo and T. Nakajima; Electron-spin-resonance study of fluorine-intercalated graphite fibers, Physical Review B, Vol.46, No.19, pp.12723-12730, (1992).

  6. M. Ishioka, T. Okada, K. Matsubara and M. Endo; Formation of Vapor-Grown Carbon Fibers in CO-CO2-H2 Mixtures, I. Influence of carrier gas composition, Carbon, Vol.30, No.6, pp.859-863, (1992).

  7. M. Ishioka, T. Okada, K. Matsubara and M. Endo; Formation of Vapor-Grown Carbon Fibers in CO-CO2-H2 Mixtures, II. Influence of catalyst, Carbon, Vol.30, No.6, pp.865-868, (1992).

  8. M. S. Dresselhaus, A. W. P. Fung, A. M. Rao, S. L. di Vittorio, K. Kuriyama, G. Dresselhaus and M. Endo; New characterization techniques for activated carbon fibers, Carbon, Vol.30, No.7, pp.1065-1073, (1992).

  9. M. Endo and H. W. Kroto; Formation of Carbon Nanofibers, Journal of Physical Chemistry Solids, Vol.96, No.17, pp.6941-6944, (1992).

  10. T. Hamada, M. Furuyama, T. Tomioka and M. Endo; Preferred orientation of pitch precursor fibers and carbon fibers prepared from isotropic pitch, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.7, No.5, pp.1178-1188, (1992).

  11. A. M. Rao, A. W. P. Fung, M. S. Dresselhaus and M. Endo; Structural characterization of heat-treated activated carbon fibers, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.7, No.7, pp.1788-1794, (1992).

  12. T. Hamada, M. Furuyama, T. Tomioka and M. Endo; Preferred orientation of high performance carbon fibers, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.7, No.9, pp.2612-2620, (1992).