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The Emerging Issue of Carbon Nanotubes
"Safety, Toxicity and Metrology"
~Safety for Success~
July 18 (Fri.) 13:10-17:30
At Hotel Metropolitan Nagano
Session Chair
Session Chair
-   Prof. Gaku Ichihara
      (M.D., Ph.D., Occupational and Environmental Health, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)
Speakers and Subjects
Speakers and Subjects
  Dr. Rodger Duffin
     (BSc, PhD, CBiol, Toxicologist MRC Senior Fellow in, Respiratory Medicine ELEGI Colt Laboratories, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, The University of Edinburgh, The Queen's Medical Research Institute, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
"The Variable Hazards of Carbon Nanotubes: Length Dependent Pathogenic Behaviour"
-   Prof. Hakan Wallin
     (Research Professor, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen Denmark)
"Research on Carbon Materials at National Research Centre for the Working Environment"
-   Prof. Paul J. A. Borm
     (Director of Centre of Expertise in Life Sciences, Hogeschool Zuyd, Heerlen, The Netherlands and Magnamedics GmbH, Dennewartstrasse , Aachen, Germany, Nanotoxicology Associate editor)
"Carbon-containing Nanoparticles: Opportunities and Health Hazards from European Perspective"
-   Dr. Junko Nakanishi
     (Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
"Our Research Strategies on Nanomaterials EHS for Risk Management"
- ----------------------------------------------
-   Presentation A:
Dr. V. Castranova      (Pathology and Physiology Research Branch, Health Effects Laboratory Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, WV)
will provide kindly the video conference on "Pulmonary effects of SWCNT v.s. MWCNT" and others, which is shown kindly by Dr. S. Arepalli (NASA)
-   Presentation B:
The article "Interview with Dr. G. Oberdorster" is kindly offered by Prof. Gunter Oberdorster(D.V.M. Ph.D. Professor of Environmental Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine & dentistry). Prof. S. Koyama (Shinshu University) and others.
       13:10-13:30  Opening Address
       13:30-14:10  Dr. Rodger Duffin
       14:10-14:50  Prof. Hakan Wallin
       14:50-15:20  Coffee Break
       15:20-16:00  Prof. Paul J. A. Borm
       16:00-16:40  Dr. Junko Nakanishi
       16:40-17:15  Presentation A, B and Panel Discussion
         Prof. Shozo Koyama
         (Department of Integrative Physiology and System
         Control, Shinshu University, Japan)
       17:15-17:30  Closing Address
Noboru Akuzawa, Conference Manager in Carbon2008
e-mail: noboru@tokyo-ct.ac.jp
Hiroaki Hatori, Program Manager in Carbon2008
e-mail: h.hatori@aist.go.jp
Noriko Yoshizawa, Program Manager in Carbon2008
e-mail: noriko-yoshizawa@aist.go.jp