Host: Shinshu Univ. ICST, Nagano Techno Foundation
Co-Sponsor: Carbon Society of Japan, The Nanofiber Society

We are pleased to invite you joining us for the 2nd International Workshop on CNT's Toxicology and Safety (IWCTS) to be held on June 22nd (Mon.) 2009 in Nagano, Japan. Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) RD is shifting from research into commercial development, and their useful applications have been emerged in various fields of industries. Under the circumstance the exposure to CNTs will increase substantially and particularly in the working environment over the next few years. Although any decisive conclusion has still not been discussed on the toxicity among regulatory, it is apparently necessary to us to take into account of appropriate handling methods to avoid occurring unnecessary inhalation in working places and disposing into environment. This precautious approach, we believe, may accomplish "Safety for Success" declared by US EPA after all.
This workshop will provide broad overviews about the CNT biological evaluation results and safe methods of applications with nano-carbon materials. Invited local and overseas specialists in biological evaluations on particles give their lecturers on CNT's toxicity, which is the great and fascinating opportunity to meet with them directly. We expect various fields of stakeholders joining with us not only from the research and engineering but also medical services, regulatory and NGO/NPO, and let us discuss it there!
Morinobu Endo, Chairman
Shinshu University
-Prof. Günter Oberdörster
University of Rochester, U.S.A.
-Dr. Vincent Castranova
Health Effects Laboratory
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), U.S.A.
-Dr. Jun Kanno
National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan
-Dr. Roel Schins
IUF Dusseldorf, Germany
-Dr. Nicklas Raun Jacobsen
National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
-Dr. Kaoru Aoki
Shinshu University, Japan
-Mr. Eiji Akiba