CG picture by the molecule
TEM picture of carbon nano tube
On the other hand, we also make the molecular model without using images of TEM and do the same simulation. Thus, we analyze various chemical phenomena in theoretical view.
Work station
Then, we make the molecular model based on the result,and simulate various chemical phenomena with the Work Station.Finally, we weigh the result of analysis with that of simulation.
TEM picture of activated carbon fiber
High resolution Transmission
Electron Microscope
In our laboratory,we research the carbon material with many mysterious parts that shows various forms and property. First,we analyze the photographs of electron microscope that are important for studying the minute structure of activated carbon fiber.
Activated carbon fiber
Once, Chemistry was one of the studies which depend on experiences for resarching. However at present,the development of computer technics makes it possible that we analyze various chemical phenomena.
Image analysis and Simulation